The Hungry & The Beautiful
Writing Workshops
find your creativity with my two unique creative writing workshops

creative currents
Welcome to your bespoke writing workshop.
We aim to uncover your creativity, a little more, then a little more and then even a little more, until you begin to spot signs of your own true creative self on the blank page.
This workshop is not your typical form, structure, genre-based fare. Though that may come up. Instead, I invite you to take a step into this rabbit hole of tapping into your creative energy and bringing it alive through writing for now, but in other ways as you get on with your life. I will not be a teacher but just a guide to your process.
Through a series of writing exercises, we will begin to tap into and uncover what you inherently want to express. There are three sides to the workshop, mutually exclusive: the craft, the art and the language of it. Don’t expect them to come together at the beginning but just trust the process.
Course structure:
A writing prompt every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Saturday 15-minute zoom audio classes where I give you an insight into the writing, reading and exercises of the coming week and we can also talk inspiration and road blocks.
We will be reading certain books throughout the week. Have a small budget for this.
Have a google drive for daily writing submissions for feedback.
You can pick to write for a fixed number of days a week - 3, 5 or 7. You are expected to read and connect with inspiration 7 days a week. :)
Duration is custom. You can choose from 2 to 4+ weeks.
The writing elements we will work with include points of view, character, dramatic monologue, creative responses, show not tell and basic literary devices to make your descriptions brighter and more! If there are specifics you want to explore, please mention them in your application :)
Price: It will be a per week amount. This includes daily writing prompts, going over your writing + written feedback on all writing, weekly Zoom audio calls, answering any writing related questions you may have and discussing the course.
First Zoom call + week is complimentary!
Ping me with any questions & to know prices!
How to apply:
Share a para describing yourself, writing intentions for the course, what you hope to take from it and the duration you want to opt for: 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks or even more.
Email this and a writing sample to
creative clusters
It's time to fall through the rabbit-hole.
This is a weekly workshop where we go through the creativity guide The Artists's Way by Julia Cameron together.
Along with the book's text, tasks and elements of pages and artists's dates, we discuss the journey of what it means to be a (recovering) creative artist. According to Julia (and me) everyone is creative.
The full title of the book is The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Rediscovering Your Creative Self. It is readily available on amazon, in bookstores and as an ebook. It is a 12-week course which takes about 12-14 weeks to finish.
Course structure:
A 60-90 minute check-in every week
Optional whatsapp group to share resources and extend support
Ping me with any questions & to know prices!
Upcoming (dates TBD):
The Artist's Way Course
The Artists's Way Advanced Course (for anyone seeking flexibility / for those who have done the book once but want to dive in deeper, work with specific topics)
Courses will begin in the second half of 2021
Register interest now!
How to register interest:
Share a para describing yourself, what you hope to take from the course and which one you want to opt for
Email this to